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Acadia University Sophomore Class basketball Team 1904


back row: Colpitts (forward), Webster (defence, capt), Bower (centre);
front row: Estey (forward), Havey (defence).

Acadia Sophs Victims of Hard Luck

There was no varsity basketball in 1904, only the interclass league; the sophomore team finished in the middle of the standings. In their game against the juniors, “the Sophs shot often and had hard luck, and the Juniors shot just as often and had good luck...;” the Junior Class won the game. The January 1904 Athenaeum commented that “good basketball has been played in nearly every game. Combination work has been followed more consistently than ever before.”

(Acadia Athenaeum, January 1904, 121-3)

William W. Robson, Wolfville. 1904. ECW APC 1873.

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