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Acadia University Senior Class Basket Ball Team 1912


back row: H.H. Pineo (defence), H.A. Logan (defence), J.B. Grant (centre);
front row: P.T. Andrews (forward, capt), H.T. Reid (forward).

Acadia Seniors Capture Title

After losing to the Class of 1911 by two points the year before, the Class of 1912 won the interclass competition in 1912 as seniors. “Good basketball was played in the inter-class league....The Seniors won with a record number of points.” Team members are wearing class sweaters; the “1912” indicates they were awarded numbers, indicating their class year, in recognition of their participation in interclass sports.

(Acadia Athenaeum, June 1912, 86)

Edson Graham, Wolfville. 1912. ECW APC 208.

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