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Acadia Ladies Seminary Hockey Team 1909


Sem Team Frightens Coach

The girls who attended the Acadia Ladies Seminary in the early 1900s were enthusiastic skaters and hosted skating parties for the Acadia community at least once a year. Some of the girls, like those pictured in this 1909 photo, were hockey players. A few years earlier, Ladies Seminary student reported: “On Saturday afternoon, January 20 [1906], there issued from the Seminary a crowd of fourteen enthusiastic hockeyists intent on deeds of skill and strength. It was the first practice of the season. At the rink we met our coach who appeared thoroughly frightened....The day of match came at last. But the details of the game can be better imagined than described when it is announced that the score was Wolfville 6; Seminary 0. Next winter we intend to do better.” And next winter: “Hockey practice has started again and our best skaters have entered into it with so much enthusiasm that we feel we may be able to compliment ourselves on a strong team this season. The girls...feel that they are making rapid progress....”

(Acadia Athenaeum, February 1906; March 1907)

Edson Graham, Wolfville. 1909. ECW APC 759.

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