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Tuxis Hockey Team 1921-1922

left to right: Gordon Kennedy (centre), Val Rand (l wing), Cecil Thompson (r wing, capt), Blair Elderkin (goal), Clarence Coldwell (l defence), Gil Rand (r defence).

Tuxis Boys Play Hockey

In 1918 the Montreal YMCA introduced programs designed by its secretary, Taylor Statten, that would turn boys into young men who would contribute to the community. The program for boys 15 to 17 was called Tuxis: “U and I Training for Service, Christ the Centre, no one but Christ between you and I.” Local Tuxis clubs were typically associated with the churches which later joined to form the United Church of Canada. In Nova Scotia, Tuxis clubs were organized under the Maritime Religious Education Council. The first Wolfville Tuxis hockey team played in January 1920 when “the Canning Scouts and Tuxis boys visited to play the Wolfville Tuxis boys.” The Wolfville team was able to beat Canning in convincing fashion, 10 to 4. After the game, the Boy Scout band played for an hour.

(Shepherd, Historic Wolfville, 209)

Photographer unknown. 1922. Wolfville Historical Society photo cc496a

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