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Wolfville High School Hockey Team 1942

left to right: Frank Congdon (mgr), Wilfred Cook, Maurice Kenney, Buddie Elderkin, Kenneth Eagles, Ray Isnor, Maurice LeLacheur, Douglas Roach(capt), Bob Grant, Lloyd Baines, Rhodes Hennigar, Roddie Crowe.

Undefeated in Season, High School Loses Title Series to KCA

The 1942 Wolfville High School boys hockey team thrilled their fans and were regularly featured in sports stories in the local paper. In January it reported: “Continuing its undefeated season’s record the Wolfville High School hockey team took two more games this week in the Valley Intermediate League. Monday night they defeated King’s Collegiate 2-0 in the local rink, and the following night at Kentville scored a 4-2 victory over the Kings County Academy.” On 12 February 1942 the Acadian reported: “Completely overpowering the Kings Collegiate hockey team, Wolfville High School chalked up another victory in its seasons of straight wins, at Windsor on Saturday morning....The Elderkin-Cook duo on defence...played a spectacular game....In Wolfville nets, ‘Spurge` Crowe kept the puck out time after time....Roach, Elderkin and Kenny bagged two goals each, and Hennigar, Eagles, Grant and Cook scored one apiece.” In fact Wolfville High School went through the regular season without a defeat, but lost to Kings County Academy of Kentville, NS, 5-4 in the final series for Valley League Intermediate Championship. The team is shown next to the Acadia University ice rink, now the Festival Theatre; the Memorial Gym is in the background.

(Wolfville Acadian, 29 Jan 1942, 1; February 12 1942, 1)

Photographer unknown. 1942. Wolfville Historical Society photo 94.21.3

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