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Acadia University Rugby-Football Team 1889

Rugby Football

Acadia Draws With Dal

Though Acadia’s football team of 1889 was not part of a league, they played teams that would become traditional opponents in later years, including Dalhousie University in Halifax (NS). The Acadia team and their supporters took a train from Wolfville to Halifax on Friday November 15 and were met at the station by members of the “Dal” team. A dinner attended by various university and town club officials as well as the teams featured speeches “on both sides [with] the hope and wish expressed that to-morrow’s game may be a friendly one.” The game on Saturday was “a game of brawn and muscle” and the players “are here to play ball; and every man on both teams attends strictly to business...and everyone, though doing his utmost, is good-natured.” The hard fought game ended in a scoreless draw and with cheers for each side. The Acadia Athenaeum concluded its commentary on the game: “Gentlemen of Dalhousie you treated us well. When you meet Acadia again be assured you will meet not foes but friends.”

(Acadia Athenaeum, December 1889, 19-20).

[William W. Robson], Wolfville. 1889. ECW APC 530

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