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Acadia University Women’s Swim Team 1928
left to right: Annie Fitch, Maxime Williams, Lida Cameron, Marion Eaton, Maie deWitt, Frances Brown, Virginia MacLean (instructor), Mary Chase (instructor), Emma Bradshaw, Elizabeth Corey, Audrey Gregg, Helen Ingraham, Evelyn Jenkins.

Coeds Swim for Acadia

Swimming became a recognized sport at Acadia in 1920 when the Memorial Gymnasium was opened. The indoor pool meant that recreational swimmers were no longer captive to either the weather or the extreme tides in the Minas Basin. It also meant that swim teams could practice and be coached in a controlled environment, no matter what the weather or tide. Both women and men were active in competitive and intramural swimming as well as recreational swimming. In 1928, women’s “swimming activities were numerous, [and included] pageants and swimming meets. In all a successful season has been held in this brand of sport.”

(Acadia Yearbook 1928, 63)

Edson Graham, Wolfville. 1928. Acadia Yearbook 1928, 59.

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