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Acadia University Track Team 1912


back row: O.O. Lyons, R.M. Kinney, H.R. Haley, F.W. Spencer, R.W. Leeman, H.H. Phinney, F.C. Higgins;
middle row: J.G. McKay, H.H. Pineo (bus mgr), P.T. Andrews (capt), J.E. Howe (coach), H.A. Logan;
back row: G.B. Richmond, G.L. Andrews, A.W. Brown, L.P. Harlow.

Acadia Takes Fifth Straight Title

The June 1912 Athenaeum summed up the track season: “A successful year in athletics has been brought to a close by another victory at the annual Intercollegiate Meet. For the fifth consecutive year, the track cup comes to Wolfville. Seven wins in ten years is a record of which Acadia students need not feel ashamed.” During the 23 May 1912 meet in Moncton, New Brunswick, Acadia scored 41¾ points to Mt Allison’s 33 4/5 and University of New Brunswick’s 14 3/5. Higgins once again set a new pole vault record while Brown set a record in the mile and Acadia’s Leeman, Andrews and Logan swept the broad jump.

(Acadia Athenaeum, June 1912, 481)

[Edson Graham, Wolfville].1912. ECW APC 233.

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