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Acadia University Intercollegiate Track Team 1928

back row: H.R. Comeau, Ted Richards (mgr), H. Denton; front row: S. Titus.

Denton Sets Record

The 1928 Acadia track team “reduced by threatening exams and by the recent epidemic of flu” was able to send a only a few men to the 1928 intercollegiate track and field competition. At the May 14 meet, Titus won the shot put and Denton won the mile race, while Comeau won the quarter mile and placed second in the 220 yard dash. Even though they were badly outnumbered by the other teams, each man won an event and Harvey Denton established a new intercollegiate record in the mile.

(Acadia Yearbook 1929)

Edson Graham, Wolfville.1928. ECW APC 97.

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