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Acadia University Track Team 1938


back row:         R. Frank, P. Allaby, R. Brannen, E. Hockey;
front row:         A. Colpitts, G. Troke, B. Balcom, C. Willis (mgr), J. Feindel (capt), F. Kelly (coach), G. Runnells, W. Feindel, C. Wright (asst mgr).

Feindel Wins Four Events

The 1938 track team continued Acadia’s tradition of winning the Maritime Intercollegiate track meet when it was held at Acadia’s Raymond Field in 1938. The team amassed 99 points, more than the combined totals of the other three teams. Once again, “Jo-Jo” Feindel was the high point scorer, winning the 220 yard, 440 yard and 880 yards runs as well as the javelin; he set meet records in the latter two events. The Acadia Yearbook pointed out: “He was not only individual [high] scorer for three years, but broke records and climaxed his career at Acadia by winning every event in which he was entered.”

Edson Graham, Wolfville. 1938. ECW APC 60.

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