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Acadia University Track Team 1946


back row: Les Durling, Don Skidmore, Ralph Manning (capt), Frank Haley, Malcolm Cochrane;
middle row: Bill Hudgins (mgr), Geo. Crowe, Lowell Allen, Gordon Poole, Don Grant, Fred Kelly (coach);
front row: Bill Moore, Cyril Harriott, Reg Crosby, Ritchie Love.

Acadia Wins First Post-War Meet

At the first Maritime Intercollegiate track and field meet held since 1940, Acadia once again dominated their opponents and brought home their twelfth title out of 13 meets. The team won both the 880 yard and mile relays. The depth of Acadia’s team made a real difference, as numerous second and third places meant Acadia was able to outpoint St Francis Xavier University (NS), the second place team.

Macaulay, Wolfville. 1946. ECW APC 86.

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