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Acadia University Track Team 1930

back row: K. Corning, H. Denton, V. Eville, W. Longley, O. Walker, E. Anderson;
middle row: F. Kelly (coach), R. McIssac (mgr), H. Comeau (capt), J. Finnegar (asst mgr);
front row: V. Cain, H. Ryan, C. Cain, W. Wright.

Acadia Runs Away With Meet

At the Intercollegiate Championships held at Acadia’s Raymond Field on 17 May 1930, the Acadia team blasted the opposition, taking 11 first places and scoring 78 points. They revived a tradition of strong track and field teams that continued through the 1930s. Acadia’s top two scorers were Ryan with 22 points and Eville with 20; together the two amassed more points than the second place team.

(Acadia Yearbook 1931, 81)

Edson Graham, Wolfville. 1930. ECW APC 35.

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