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Acadia University Class of 1903 Track and Field Team 1901


back row: V.L. Denton, F.R. Shankel, J.W. Jones, G.P. Morse;
front row: L.E. Eaton, W.A. White, J.E. Hamilton.

Sophomores Score Success

The Class of 1903 won the 3 June 1901 interclass track and field meet as Sophomores with 52½ points. They received the Inter-class cup, offered for the first time by the Acadia Amateur Athletic Association. Notable athletes on the team included L. E. Eaton, who lowered the meet record for the half mile by a full second, J. W. Jones, who broke the hammer throw record and William White who scored 8¼ points. According to the Athenaeum “Mr Robson, our genial photographer makes an excellent announcer.”

(Acadia Athenaeum, June 1901, 319)

William W. Robson, Wolfville. 1903. ECW APC 75.

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