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Acadia University Inter-collegiate Track Team 1932


back row: R. Lightfoot, J. Golding, O. Mann, R. Peck, H. Ackland, A. Tedford, G. Runnels, G. Robertson;
front row: M. Lodge, E. Anderson, P. Devine (mgr), V. Eville (hon capt), O. Walker (capt), F. Kelly (coach), C. Sutherland (asst mgr), S. Pomeroy, R. Miller.

Acadia Wins, Tedford Sets Record

The Acadia University track team won the Maritime Intercollegiate title for the fourth straight time at a 13 May 1932 meet in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The team scored 82 points. Individual results included wins by Walker in the 440 yard run, Lightfoot in the 880 yard run, Lodge in the mile run, Peck in the mile walk, Pomeroy in pole vault, Miller in broad jump, Anderson in hammer throw and Tedford in javelin. Tedford set a meet record in javelin with a toss of 144 feet.

Edson Graham, Wolfville. 1932. ECW APC 46.

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