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Alden Richardson Clark

Clark A Triple Threat

New Brunswick native Alden Clark made his mark on sports in Wolfville in the early 1920s. A member of Acadia University’s football, hockey, baseball and track teams, he also played in for his class in interclass competitions. Reports from the fall 1923 football season are filled with comments such as “Captain Clark of Acadia scored a try for his team after a brilliant forty yard run through the Mt Allison backfield,” or “Clark played a superior game.” He was also a stand-out hockey player. In a game against the University of New Brunswick in February 1924 “the backbone of the team was Alden Clark, who was by far the most outstanding man on the ice.” He was an important part of team that gathered championships in basketball and Nova Scotia’s Western League Championship in football. Clark also coached women’s hockey; he was the coach of the Seminary team in the 1922-23 season.

After his 1924 graduation from Acadia, Clark returned to New Brunswick where he continued to be active in sport. The Acadian Recorder noted in March 1928: “The St John Telegraph says: A glance at the roster of the [St John] Fusiliers will convince the most rabid fan that they may justly be termed ‘an All-Star Maritime aggregation.’ Right wing Alden Clark was the back bone on the Fredericton Capitals before coming to St John.” Clark was a businessman who owned automobile dealerships in New Brunswick, served in civic offices and, a noted philanthropist, established the Fredericton Community Foundation.

(Acadia Athenaeum, December 1923, 50; March 1924, 49)

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